

The 全球学生大使计划 in the Office of 全球项目 aims to provide even further support from our students to other students interested in studying abroad, as well as create increased support for our incoming international exchange students. The goals of this program are to increase awareness on campus of the study abroad opportunities available to them and increase the level of support for new students coming from abroad to integrate into life at 马塞诸斯州大学波士顿. The program will provide a space for outgoing study abroad students active in the application process to come and ask 问题, 建议, and work on applications with peers who have navigated the process in the past. It will also create a "buddy" program for those coming to our university from abroad partner universities. The students selected for this role in our office will be planning and organizing events on and off-campus for exchange students to learn about Boston, 见见澳门新葡新京官方的学生, and will work to give our exchange students the best experience they can while visiting our city. 

顺应潮流 全球形象大使


The UMB Fall 2021 Podcasts aims to inform students about the opportunities of study abroad programs. 我们回答这样的问题:我为什么要去? 我该怎么办呢?? 我能负担得起这么大的事情吗? 大多数情况下,答案不会是你所期望的, and reassurance is abundant in each episode we discuss. 来找朋友, 答案, 问题, programs and so much more this semester with Hao Tran and Allen Valentine, 全球大使和你们的新主人!

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考虑在你的学位中增加一门辅修/主修语言! Adding language proficiency to your resume can help you stand out to employers after graduation. 请观看本期由《澳门新葡新京官方》制作的视频, 文献, and Cultures Department on how language study has impacted 马塞诸斯州大学波士顿 students and alumni: http://players.brightcove.net/1050888036001/default_default/index.html?videoId=6186414917001 

To learn more about the different majors and minors in languages available at 马塞诸斯州大学波士顿, 点击以下链接: 


想分享你的故事? 为澳门新葡新京官方留学博客撰稿. 在这里提交文章


使用 澳门新葡新京官方的就业服务中心 to update your resume based on your new study abroad experience. Highlighting what you gained from your experience is vital to future employer's/ applications. 


Few people anticipate culture shock when they return home, but many students actually find that it is just as challenging to get used to being at home again as it was to get used to living abroad. Some students find that they have changed and grown a great deal while abroad, 但是那个家, 家人和朋友却没有, and this gap makes it challenging to slip back into settings, 例程, and relationships that were once familiar and comfortable. You should expect a certain amount of this if you have had a full and enriching time overseas. It is important not to ignore the experience of reentry as a facet of study abroad: readjusting to life at home is difficult and what you're feeling is entirely legitimate.

Common Reentry ("反向文化冲击") Experiences:

  • Impression that you can't fully explain your experience or its importance
  • Realization that others do not want to hear very much about your adventures
  • 尽管在家里,还是有一种“不自在”的感觉
  • 呆在家里感到无聊
  • Experiencing homesickness for the place where you studied abroad
  • Seeing that relationships with family and friends have changed
  • Feeling that others misunderstand your growth, or see the "wrong" changes in you
  • Assessing your home in a way that is judgmental or overly critical
  • Feeling that your experience abroad is lost or cut off from the rest of your life

If You Find Yourself Experiencing Difficulty After Coming 首页:

Try to use the same cultural adaptation skills that you developed while you were getting used to being abroad (e.g. 保持活跃, 保持幽默感, 找一个互助小组, 期望差异, 允许自己犯错, 保持灵活性)以适应居家生活.

是反光的. 想想你回来的事吧, to the types of intellectual and emotional changes that you have undergone as a result of your time abroad.

Expect some negative feelings about your "home" culture. Try not to be too critical of shortcomings that you did not see before. Remember that at there are positive and negative aspects of all cultures.

强调积极的一面. Try to identify what you like about both cultures and try to incorporate the best aspects of these into your life.

对你的朋友和家人要有耐心 谁想了解你最近的经历. Listen to them, too, about the changes they underwent during the time you were away.

保持联系 with "the international life" through the many opportunities available at 马塞诸斯州大学波士顿. Help spread the word about study abroad to your friends and classmates, 参加专题讨论会, 与校园社区分享你的照片, and/or assist the study abroad advisor with outreach to new outgoing students.

为你的发展设定目标. Realize once again that change can be stimulating and this could be your chance to develop in new directions. Set some long-term goals, which may involve finding ways to return abroad.

--T.S. 艾略特


布鲁斯,一个. "Culture Shock at 首页: Understanding Your Own Change - The Experience of Return". 国外的转换. 1997年1月/ 2月,p. 79-80.

豪厄尔,利亚. "Coming 首页: Sustaining the Experiences of Studying Abroad". 佛蒙特州连接. 1999. (http://www.uvm.edu/~vtconn/?Page=v20/howell.html)

科尔,我. 罗伯特。. “海外生活必备手册”. 雅茅斯,缅因州:跨文化出版社,1996年.

伍迪,斯泰西. Programming for Reentry: Issues and Solutions for 出国留学 Returnees. 国外的转换. 1998年3 / 4月,p. 107-108.

The Center for Global Education's Re-entry Culture Shock